Natura 2000 areas on the territory of Poland and fulfilment of objectives in waste management


The development of civilization based on technological progress, urbanization, development of industry and agriculture, as well as the continuous increase in the amount of waste generated causes negative changes in the natural environment, including the decline of biodiversity. Therefore, it became necessary for the state to undertake activities aimed at nature protection by creating appropriate legal solutions protecting the natural environment on the one hand and not hampering economic development on the other.


Fundamental principles in the socio-economic policy requiring to take nature protection into account were established during the United Nations Conference held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. During the meeting, the Convention on Preserving Biodiversity (called the Rio Convention) was adopted, the main objective of which is protection of biodiversity on a global scale and sustainable use of environmental resources, as well as a fair distribution of benefits derived from genetic resources.

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