The Act on Maintaining Cleanliness versus local government administration


KWARTALNIK Prawo i Środowisko, issue 2 (82) 2015 


Restituted in the nineties, after a long and arduous battle, local government is nowadays a permanent element of the public authority system in Poland. The legislator separated it from other social entities, giving it a public-law personality and entrusted it with a large part of public tasks. Transferring some of the ruling powers of the state to other entities of collective life was associated with the evolution of views on the place and role of the state in the system of power. The development of the international situation after World War II has led to the situation that the pursuit of maintaining a relative social balance is the most important goal of the international community. Achieving the assumed goal meant in practice the cooperation of various institutions, groups and social entities acting on the basis of a number of standards, whose most important task was organizing and directing collective life.

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